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Digital Signage

At the university one of my main responsibilities has been managing current digital signage as well as developing new ones. Our residence hall touchscreens run off of the Four Winds Interactive platform and I have been responsible for the daily content management and the recent redesign of the interface. They feature a connection to our campus events calendar as well as our menu system. Our digital menu system uses the Nutrislice platform and connects directly with the Campus Dining Services menu database. I worked with them to develop menus that pull from that database and are used in every dining location on campus. When campus began reopening from the COVID shutdown I helped our Health & Wellness staff build new signs that displayed a live count of each of the areas within the REC Center so that students who were coming to work out would know when they entered, what equipment would be available for them to use.

Client | University of Colorado Boulder - Student Affairs

Project Type | Digital Design